Saturday, September 20, 2008

Catching up

I have been such a slacker lately with the blog! It's been so busy since soccer season fired up, we're busy coaching & organizing for that and I'm heading into one of my busiest times at work. We've already planned most of our Christmas season, I'm already tired of December and it's not even October yet.

B started school and is loving his class thus far. He has a few of his really good friends in the class, I'm not sure who unleashed that punishment on the teacher! I'm hoping it's a good year for him and he enjoys his split class through out the year.

As for soccer, we're quite busy and have been since the last 2 weekends in August with tournaments & the beginning of the season. The boys are doing well and we're off & running with our Sharks again. GO SHARKS! In addition to the sharks this year, B's playing with ECBA again on a select basketball team, he loves basketball so much! He asked if he could do cross country with everything else and we just had to say no, I think it would've sent us right over the edge.

Anyways, here are a few pics from some soccer tournaments and the first games of the season. I promise I'll put up a post very soon, I won't wait as long!

Seriously, he is such a trooper, going to all of his brother's stuff.

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