Today was the first day in a long time that it actually felt like summer and the boys took full advantage of it. BJ had a friend (Logan) over and in the heat of the afternoon decided they wanted to have a watermelon eating contest. It was pretty hilarious, they had watermelon juice dripping everywhere. At least it was a good day and I think it felt pretty great on a hot day. Brennen even got in on some of the action!

Here are a few pics of the action ...

Remind me what camera you're using. These shots are great! What lens do you have on it and which mode do you use?
Hey chica, yeah, they're not bad. Except for the fact that they were shot in the harshest light of the day! So all the highlights are blown, but at least you can tell the boys had a great time.
I'm still using my Pentax *istDS ... hopefully upgrading to the new Pentax or the Nikon D80 soon! I have a 24-70 mm lens on currently that I love to shoot with, it's fairly quick and steps down to 3.5 rather than just 4.
Brennen is sooo big and sooo blonde. What a handsome boy.
Isn't it crazy how blonde he is???
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