OK, So Seattle hittin' 100 is ridiculous! We hit the road and went to Matthew's Beach to try and stay a little bit cool, the boys had a great time and boy they are WHITE! Check out the pics and you can see just how pastie white B really is.

We did have a great time and managed to actually stay as cool as possible in 97 degree heat! The boys even got to enjoy a SnoCone.
You guys do some really fun things.
We try!
This is funny. India is soooo dark she looks like an indian. Everyday I look at her and think that can't be healthy :) Sammy, my whitey is even getting darker each day. But hey, that's what summer is about. Now me, I just have halarious farmer tan lines because for some reason I don't go around in a bathing suit around the neighborhood...go figure.
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