Holy July, yep, summer in the Northwest has hit and trying to stay cool is quickly becoming a mission from day to day. I do have to say that I love this time of the year, the days are long and the nights are short. It's crazy to me that I can go into work at 10:30 ish and it's just beginning to get really dark and if I get off late 4:30ish it's already getting light. It brings a whole new meaning to working through the night!
The boys and I had a chance to visit Dragon park today in Lynnwood and the boys had a great time. Brennen tried to catch the water coming out and was really not happy with me when I told him it was time to go.

As unhappy as he was, I figured, since his lips were blue and he was shivering like crazy it was time. I tried to keep him on the big toy to kind of dry out & warm up, but the water was too tempting I guess.

All in all we had a great time and we'll definitely be hitting more of the parks in the area, hey if you know any good ones let us know! We want to hit quite a few over the summer.

BJ goofing around in the splash area

B trying to dry out & get warm in the sun

One of my best friends during the summer, ICE TEA .. MMMM
This looks so fun!!! Where is this park? Robin, you take beautiful pictures~
Elsa, Thanks so much & it was definitely a blast and the boys had a great time. The park is actually in Lynnwood. Hope to see you soon!
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