Before BJ's last day of school on Wednesday, they had a field trip to visit
the state capital in Olympia. When I picked B up from school I discovered he took one of the digital cameras and got some great pics of the state capital. Well done B, maybe you'll be a photographer yet!
I'm pretty sure he had a great time as that was all he was talking about for the whole ride home. Those of you familiar with B, well you know why that's a big deal. He's not one to give alot of details or have an in depth conversation on his day. Anyways, he had a great time and here are some pics to prove it!
A great perspective shot of the legislative building
Duke, B & Marshall about to head back to school
Nice job B, talent runs in the family
I luv your site. I can't believe how big your boys have gotten. Brennen is too cute. What a ladies man he will be. And it looks like you have quite the talented young man in your family, this B. I really shouldn't be surprised knowing his mom. You both have done a fabulous job raising your family, you should be proud of yourselves. Way to go. Crazy how life just happens so fast. I see pictures of your kids, we are getting older, and we only hope wiser; yet you still look the same. Well I hope to see you again some day. Love always your friend Star
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