Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Waves running Wild

Spent the day at Wild Waves in the south end ... it was really sort of wierd. The last time I was there was probably the summer of '96 with a group of kids. It's changed quite a bit, but it's still the same place it was 10 years ago. There were even traces of what it used to be back in the days when I was just a kid.

Now it's crazy to think, all these years later, it's a place I'm taking my kids. It's days like this where you take your kids and say,"when I used to come here, this was here" or "when I was little there was a petting farm." Then your kids look at you and say ... "Geez, you're old."

Yeah, it's that awesome. But I still feel (and some say look like too, although I can't agree) that 18 & 20 year old that used to bring groups of kids ... that weren't mine!

Daddy gettin' it from the Dragon

Ah, Brennen, ya got me!

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