It was the last day of BJ's spring break so we decided to take a road trip and head north to the Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon. On the way up it was raining and pretty dark and dismal. We thought it was going to be a quick trip and we'd be heading home soaked. Luckily, it didn't rain at all when we got to the fields, the sky's were pretty gray and the wind was a tad blustery. Other than that the boys had a great time running around the fields with me and my camera in tow.

We were just about done looking around at the last field and Brennen decided to try and jump a puddle of Mud, as you can tell by the picture, he didn't quite make it!

Despite Brennen falling in the mud and being unhappy and cold for a while at the end, We had a great time. Check out the rest of our
pics from the Day
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