Sunday, September 13, 2009

Brennen's Recovery

Brennen's recovery has gone very well! Good thing these little guys heal so quickly. I do think the worst part of the entire recovery was getting his cast off. He was not a fan of the saw that cuts off the cast and struggled with getting his pins out. I can't say I blame him, I had a tough time when they yanked out the 3" pins out of his poor little elbow. Good thing there was something for me to lean up against, I might've just lost it. I don't deal well when my kids are hurt.

Anyways, now his cast is off and we have to try and keep him from being active. Yea, like that's going to be easy with this one. He already is running all over and trying to jump over furniture. The doctor told us in all of his years he's never seen a kid come back with a re-fracture. Please don't let Brennen be the first!!!

Here are a few more pics of brennen with his cast and getting it off:
The saw cuts in

Trying to get the cast off

Pulling it off

Smiling even with tears ...

If you enlarge the pics, you can see the pins sticking out ... by far the worst part

Getting the pins pulled ... poor guy!