This year we were disappointed that the huge hunt that we generally do at Shoreline Stadium was not happening. Wow, the last 7 years, over 50,000 eggs the last few years and then it just disappeared! So, after hitting 5 this year, we shrunk back down to 4.
The 1st & 2nd hunts went flawlessly, getting there & out pretty easily. We ran into a few snags on the 3rd, we got there with plenty of time but then the Children's Pastor went a little long winded and the boys didn't actually get to hunt until about 12:35.
We booked out of there and drove as quickly as possible to the Richmond Beach Hunt and got there just as they were about to say GO! (We weren't about to go from 5 hunts in a day to 3!) Brennen got there a little late and we had to rush onto the little kiddies hunt. He was not exactly happy as he didn't get the bucket full of eggs he'd been able to get at the previous two hunts. The older boys got to line up just before they said "GO". They actuall hid the eggs in the brush on the hillside and the boys were a little shocked that they actually had to "hunt" for the eggs. Kinda funny I thought, they did well nonetheless.
Highlights of the DAY!!!