Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey & Basketball

I know, our life really does revolve around Basketball. We had a great Thanksgiving on Thursday and followed it up with 3 straight days of Basketball. Both of BJ's teams were playing, ECBA & Bothell. So he played 7 games in the span of 3 days.

Of course, the story line is ECBA & Bothell and of about 18 teams in the 5th grade division, who was the first matchup? Yep, you guessed it Bothell Vs. ECBA. Who did B play for? It was the last weekend for ECBA until Spring so he finished out his commitment for ECBA and played against Bothell in the first game. It was pretty interesting and BJ was very nervous but played well & very tough.

ECBA won the game, but that would be the only game of the tournament ECBA would win. Bothell went on to win their next 3 with BJ getting the majority of his playing time in the last game. Over 3 games with Bothell the kid had 30 points, 3 steals and I don't even know how many rebounds & jump balls. We were so proud of how he played for both teams. 7 games in 3 days is alot to ask of one fifth grader. Well done B!

B with a fast break

Taking off after stealing the ball

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sharks Parent - Kid Game

Our official Sharks season is over, and I think we may have started a new tradition, the Parent - Kid game. Today we had our end of the year party today but first played a parent - kid game and it was a blast. Just to get the parents out there having fun with the kids was awesome.

Bryan and I are always competitive, perhaps too much sometimes (see if you can tell what I'm talking about in the pics below!). Bryan played on the boys team & I was on the parents team. It was seriously the most fun I've had playing soccer in a while, I hope the boys & families had a great time!

here are some highlights from the day:

Bryan & Robin chasing to get that ball!

Bryan, always coaching!

BJ trying to get by one of the big brothers

Again, Bryan & Robin going for the same little ball

Um .... FOUL???

The 2008 Sharks Kid - Parent game players!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Continuing Saga of Basketball

So this past weekend was BJ's first game with the Bothell Select basketball team. I'm left with mixed feelings about the team and about our and his decision for him to take a break from Emerald City Basketball Academy. He played well when he was in, but didn't get much playing time.

It was my big concern going into the season & I'm hoping the rest of the season is better, but only time will tell. I'm not all about thinking my kid is the best on the court, but how he can get much more playing time on an AAU team with Emerald City (which plays much tougher competition) begs the question, why isn't he playing more here? He's definitely in the top 7 kids, but maybe I'm a little biased.

We'll see what happens. I know he's working hard & I just don't want him to lose his confidence! GO BJ!

Bothell Select Basketball team