Brennen has been talking about going to see "Husky Baseball Game" for about the last three weeks. So we took him out to the game tonight that was at Safeco Field. The Huskies were playing Arizona (the #18 team in the country) and ended up winning the game 1 - 0.
We didn't think Brennen would last past the third inning. He's such a little wiggle worm and nothing holds his attention for long. So walking into the game it was about 45 degrees, so we thought, no big deal 3 innings & we're out. Much to our suprise, Brennen loved it! He stayed into it for the whole time and really got into cheering (and booing) throughout the game.
Bryan, B & I were freezing so after a pitching duel, we decided we'd head out after the 7th inning. It turned out to be perfect timing 'cause the Huskies scored the only run of the game in the bottom of the 7th! We quickly convinced Brennen the Huskies had won and we booked out of there to the warmth of my car.
I guess we'll be heading to more Husky baseball games this year! Who knows, maybe we've got a little baseball player in our midst!
B, not the biggest baseball fan, went along for the ride,
and 'cause he didn't have much of a choice.
Brennen with his cheesy grin at the bottom on the 1st .. I think
Brennen & Daddy Cheering on the Dawgs