Somedays, I'm not sure which of my three boys is the biggest kid, my husband, my 9 year old or my 1 1/2 year old. Today was a prime example, we have a little pond in our front yard and BJ & Brennen decided to play in it for a while. Brennen, at one point, fell in and B though it was pretty funny. Brennen, after the initial shock, refused to go inside and still wanted to play. BJ thought it'd be funny to test fate and play around by the pond. Of course Bryan walking by couldn't resist, after B laughed so hard at Brennen. Here are some pics of BJ's series of Unfortunate events. He was NOT happy to be pushed in by Daddy. I'm just glad I had the camera out to catch it!
The days are starting to get longer (thanks to the early Daylight Savings) and it's starting to warm up just a bit here in Bothell. I can't wait until the trees are in full bloom! This is one of my favorite times of the year. It brings hope from all of those dark & dreary months. Even the rain seems a little brighter at this time of the year.
Anyways, Brennen's been trying to get out in the yard as much as possible. He loves just running around and playing with his cars & trucks. Today he was playing out there in the rain and loved it, it was just sprinkling a bit. Here's to the early arrival of spring!
The basketball season has come to an end. It was a bit of a tough season, but the boys battled through and have a great finish to the year. I know BJ is sad that the season is over, but he's looking forward to spring soccer & basketball. On Tuesday we had an end of the year party at Pump it up and I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids or Bryan & Tim. Here are a few pics from the party.
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