Poor Brennen broke his little arm yesterday while we were at BJ's soccer practice. Brennen was playing on the playground at Kokanee and fell off one of their playground toys. Bryan knew right away that something was very wrong (when it looked like he had two elbows) and we headed out without finishing practice or grabbing any of our equipment.
We rushed to Children's Hospital and they got him back right away to see the doctor (that's when you know they're very concerned!). They took him to get X Rays and then the orthopedic Surgeon came in and informed us he would need surgery to place pins in his elbow to ensure it heeled straight.
He went in to surgery right around 10:15 and we didn't see him again until 12:15ish. Not the most fun 2 hours Bryan or I have ever spent. When they start telling you about all the risks and they'd have to put a tube down his throat all sorts of bad images start popping into your head.
Bryan stayed with him in the hospital while B and I got a little sleep, I got home around 1:15 and got back up to be at the hospital just before 9. We finally were able to leave the hospital around 11 and had to make a stop by Target to get the li'l man a new monster truck which we promised him.
Now he's at home and still in pain but doing as well as can be expected. He's such a tough, tough guy and we're so proud of him throughout the entire ordeal. His brother has been incredible through the whole thing as well, Brennen's lucky to have such an awesome big bro!